Thursday, 16 October 2008

wow, I have two followers !

I am so thrilled to have someone reading my wee little blog, still in its fledgling, embryonic form. I genuinely had visions of me being the only one here - writing, reading and twiddling my cyber-thumbs! I'm still getting the hang of how to upload things and add widgets and all sorts of interesting things...

And two such extraordinary exponents of the art as these lovely ladies: The wonderful Madai from Wren Cottage. It was this talented lady who gave me the blogger-bug to start with, by asking me if I had one. It's as if I didn't know what I was missing until someone asked me! Check out her beautiful photography, art, music and poetry collection.

And Laura. I adore her ceramic necklaces (above).

iPhone still in Casualty (ER) refusing to respond to treatment (silica gel and me getting cross with it).

1 comment:

Wren Cottage said...

Awwwww.... what a wonderful surprise!!! Thank you for the wonderful post!!! And I visited your friends' blog too!! What fun!! You are sooooo sweet :)!!! So glad you are here in blog land!!!
Look forward to visiting you often, Helen from across the pond :)
hugs ~~*~*~* Madai